Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Home Stretch

It's only a few more days until my class' graduation show and I'm feeling pretty good. Last Sunday was our last workshop and Joey couldn't make it, so the inmates ran the asylum. Those of us who showed up gave a quick run through of our sets and got a couple minutes extra to play around with anything else we've been working on. No pressure or critiquing, just some stage time and listening to everyones jokes for the eighth time.

I wasn't actually planning on performing that night. I thought there would be a lot more socializing and hanging out, but everyone else was pretty eager to rehearse one more time. Towards the end someone asked how many people were left and my name was thrown out there, so I just went with it. I wasn't really prepared and while I think it showed a little, I didn't really screw anything up. I might have even been more relaxed than usual because I thought to myself, "Ah fuck it. Let's see what happens." once I was coaxed on stage. I also threw out a few one liners I'd written and they actually went over very well. I definitely know what I'll be closing with now. Afterwards someone said to me "So, you're doing Steven Wright stuff now?" I wouldn't go quite that far, but it was a nice comment.

Also of note, I still haven't hit an open mic. I was going to today, but seems like I miscalculated how quickly those nights get booked up. Oops. On the bright side, this fulfills my desire to have my first real performance be in front of a packed club. Looks like I'm going big, or going home.


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